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     Records 1 to 21 of 21
Player Name
Item Name
Date - Time
Bakuya Chalice of Autumn Wine LOOT FFA 50 Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure 04/21/2024 02:18:58
Bakuya Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LOOT FFA 50 Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure 04/21/2024 02:17:53
Zimmak Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LOOT 200 Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure 04/21/2024 02:16:21
Whitestripe Minor Emblem of the Forge RUNE 25 Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure 04/21/2024 02:13:40
Eeline Minor Emblem of the Forge RUNE 25 Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure 04/21/2024 02:13:23
Sumaru Minor Emblem of the Forge RUNE 25 Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure 04/21/2024 02:13:33
Vulcanex Greater Emblem of the Forge RUNE 25 Plane of Mischief - Bidils Great Adventure 04/21/2024 02:12:29
Regcoo Trinket of the Fanatic LOOT FFA 50 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:40:21
Bakuya Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LOOT FFA 50 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:39:51
Kevsaiyan Laurion Inn Hope Chest LOOT FFA 50 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:39:59
Qestrel Echoing Memoryweave Plate Wrist Ornament N/A 10 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:38:44
Zimmak Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LOOT 100 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:35:37
Qestrel Silver Enhancement of Jubilation AUG 50 Anniversary Event - Paineel - Inner Turmoil 04/21/2024 00:20:59
Cinilya Argent Ring of Vigor LOOT 100 Anniversary Event - Paineel - Inner Turmoil 04/21/2024 00:21:46
Snipe Silver Ring of Adroitness LOOT 100 Anniversary Event - Paineel - Inner Turmoil 04/21/2024 00:22:29
Drathoss Silver Ventral Defense of Jubilation AUG FFA 50 Anniversary Event - Paineel - Inner Turmoil 04/21/2024 00:23:31
Toransa Minor Emblem of the Forge RUNE 25 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:32:42
Zhora Fortuitous Jewel AUG 10 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:09:15
Whitestripe Lesser Emblem of the Forge RUNE 25 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:31:34
Aeaan Glowing Emblem of the Forge RUNE 25 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:30:11
Wyen Greater Emblem of the Forge RUNE 25 Timorous Falls - Shadow of My Shadow 04/21/2024 01:30:49
      Total 1070    
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